Getting Started with A 360° Product View Is Easier than You Think



As wonderful as 360° product views are, many online sellers hesitate to use them because they mistakenly believe that either they’re too difficult to implement or that they’re too costly.  But neither is the case!

Today, we’re going to walk you through the steps toward getting your very own product view, showing just how simple the process actually is and how it’s designed to fit almost every budget.  Getting started with a Canvas Gadget 360° product view is very straightforward.

Step 1:  Snap Several Photos with Your Phone

Unlike 360° product photography, when taking pictures for a 360° product view, you don’t need any special equipment.  Your phone will work just fine!  Snap direct pics of your product from every angle - top, bottom, front, back, and sides.  If in doubt about a certain angle, go ahead and take the photo.  Too many images is preferable to too few!

Be sure that you include images of everything you want to appear in the product view.  Whatever you want to be included in the product view should be in the photos.  If you have an updated version of your product, be sure to take photos of your newest revision.   

Step 2:  Choose Your Plan & Tell Us About Your Amazing Product

Once you have your pictures taken, you’ll just need to head over to the Canvas Gadget website.  There, you can determine which plan best fits your needs and then upload your images along with any details about your product that you’d like to share with us!

The great thing about each of our plans is that they all include the 360° product view.  There are no additional charges or fees; no software for you to download; and no tricky steps to take.  We do all the heavy lifting for you - we create the product view for you and host it on our dedicated server so that it won’t slow down your site speed.

Step 3:  Publish and Pay for Your 360° Product View

The process of uploading your product photos and submitting your project automatically creates a member dashboard for you.  You’ll be prompted to create a username and password, and you can login to your dashboard whenever you’d like.  

Canvas Gadget’s 360° product views easily integrate into WordPress, SquareSpace, and almost all other blogging/website platforms.  Once your product view is created and ready for you, you’ll want to share it with the world!  You’ll simply hit “publish,” which will then walk you through submitting payment.

Next, we’ll give you a single line of code to add on your website wherever you want to put it.  That’s it - just a simple, streamlined process that’s easy to follow.  You don’t need to be tech savvy in order to use a product view on your site!

More than that, our aim here at Canvas Gadget is to serve small businesses - the mom-n-pop shops who don’t have large advertising budgets.  We’ve worked hard to keep our prices affordable so that even the most moderate advertising means can take advantage of 360° product marketing.  Why should only the “big guys” have access to this kind of revolutionary online advertising?

Getting started with a 360° product view is easier and cheaper than you might think.  Simply submit your product photos, choose your plan and tell us about your amazing product, and then sit back and let us do the heavy lifting for you.  All you have to do after that is publish and pay for your product view, and away you go!

How are you going to use product views in your online marketing strategy?